оn of temporarily out equipment and materials is not gone, but lies somewhere, but no one knows where
automatic data loading into accounting system
in assembly or warehouse
Employee at a remote site operates with an asset, and an employee in the office sees the result of the operation
of accounting and inventory in real time - everything is under control, nothing is lost
– photofixation of the actual state of the molds at a certain moment
АО «НАК «Казатомпром»
ТОО «ТМК-Казтрубпром»
050069, Казахстан, Алматы
Наурызбайский район, м-н Карагайлы
ул. Алтын-зан, 114/1
Телефон: +7 (727) 307-24-27
E-mail: info@silur.kz